Teach English better with podcastsinenglish.com

For teachers
These podcasts can be used in your classroom or computer lab to supplement course book listenings. The conversations are more authentic and so the language is more natural. They therefore provide a refreshing alternative to scripted listenings.
Find a podcast
Take a text
Lesson plans
Teachers' information worksheets
■ The worksheets include pre-listening activities that students can do individually or in pairs / groups
■ There is a range of listening tasks and listening skills including pronunciation
■ There is a range of accents with conversations between native and non-native speakers of English
■ There is a range of topics that can be linked to course book units
■ There are vocabulary worksheets which consolidate the language in the podcasts, ideal for homework or follow on lessons
■ There are webquests for CALL work
■ There are extra vocabulary worksheets that are linked to the topic of the podcast, these are ideal for homework or to introduce a podcast
■ All the work's done for you!
Have a look at the free sample worksheets on the freebies page for a better idea.
Find a podcast
Nearly 700 podcasts! There are now three ways to find a podcast. One, go to the extras page where they are listed under topics. Two, type a topic into the search box (top, right). Three, by browsing the new lists of podcasts which we have compiled for each level:
►Level 1 list
►Level 2 list
►Level 3 list
And we have podcasts linked to special days throughout the year: ►Special days list
If you have a school subscription why not copy the lists and put them on the notice board for all your teachers to read.
PS Fill in the blanks as new podcasts come out until we renew the lists. (Lists last updated January 2024)
Take a text
Take a text is a collection of 30 activities that you can do with your course book readings. There are 23 pre-reading activities, and 7 post-reading activities.
Each activity has information on what it practises, its uses, preparation before the class and clear intructions on what to do in class. There are also example texts used from a variety of course books so the activities are super clear.
Who is the book for?
■ It's ideal for new teachers. We remember not knowing what a 'jigsaw' reading was, or a 'dictation race'. We also remember thinking that we could do a lot more with a text in a course book, but not knowing what exactly. Over the years we have collected loads of exciting ideas, and these are what we want to share.
■ It's great for more experienced teachers too. Having so many ideas collected together means that it's a practical, easy reference book and one that should remind teachers of tasks they may have forgotten about. We're sure there are some new ideas included too!
Is it free?
Almost! It's just 9 Euros.
Lesson plans
World Cup special! There is a lesson plan for the World Cup podcast A clash of continents for level 2. This includes some ideas for getting students involved in the topic even if they hate football, and some fun extra tasks too.
That was the year 2013 You can find a lesson plan for this podcast here which is for level 3.
The Grand Prix You can find a lesson plan for this podcast here which is for level 2. We have added the reading about sport below:
Grand prix (pdf 115KB)
Festival fun You can find a lesson plan for this podcast here which is for level 3. We have added the reading about Glastonbury below:
Glastonbury (pdf 265KB)
My ideal study place You can find a lesson plan for this podcast here which is for level 1. We have added the reading about study places below:
Study reading (pdf 82KB)
The volcano You can find a lesson plan for this podcast here which is for level 2.
Highlights of 2008 You can find a lesson plan for this podcast here which is for level 2. This is a jigsaw listening with two videos, it can be used to look back on any year, not just 2008.
A good book You can find a lesson plan for this podcast here which is for level 2. There are ideas for encouraging students to talk about a book they like.
Ballarat - where is that? You can find a lesson plan for this podcast here which is for level 1.
Turn the page. There is also this special lesson plan and worksheets (adapted from an 'extras' worksheet) to encourage students to try graded readers. These are suitable for different levels although the original podcast here is for level 1.
►Students' worksheets (pdf 160KB) 3 different worksheets
►Covers (pdf 1MB) In full colour
►Blurbs (pdf 467KB) Short descriptions of each book
Teachers' information worksheets
The information worksheets for students, which include the tasks, are on the pie plus page.
►Using podcasts in class (pdf 66KB)
This worksheet has ideas for using the podcasts with your students. It also gives an overall approach to how these should be used in the classroom. For everyone.
►Recycling vocabulary: using the vocab worksheets (pdf 179KB)
Ten ideas for vocabulary activities that can be used in follow on lessons. Includes blockbuster template. For everyone.
►Natural spoken English 1 (pdf 45KB)
Key features of natural spoken English your students should be aware of and some suggested tasks. For members.
►Natural spoken English 2 (pdf 32KB)
This focuses on, um, you know, fillers which are rarely covered in course books as the listenings are usually scripted and the feature is therefore not included. For members.
Don't forget your students may like to watch the pronuncation videos on the pronunciation page.
If you are interested in becoming a pie member and using the podcasts for your students click here.