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English language learner

Level 2

There are more vocabulary activities related to these podcasts on the 'extras' page. Podcasts 1-99 members only.

190 Local customs. Celebrating local dances, music and costumes (12 Sep 2024)
Download (2.5MB, 3min 09sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Some of the local dancing we saw:

190 What a racket! Peace and quiet in the countryside? No way! (11 Jul 2024)
Download (2.7MB, 3min 31sec)
Vocabulary tasks

189 The low lands. Where are the skyscrapers in Europe? (16 May 2024)
Download (3.5MB, 4min 27sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Will this ever stop?

188 Landmarks unvisited. Which famous landmarks in London have we not seen? (21 Mar 2024)
Download (3.2MB, 4min 16sec)
Vocabulary tasks

The British Museum is 265 years old:

187 How to make a billion. A start up company that became a huge success (25 Jan 2024)
Download (3.3MB, 3min 59sec)
Vocabulary tasks

If you were a multi billionaire, what would you spend your money on?

186 Buyer beware. What to look out for when buying online (23 Nov 2023)
Download (3.3MB, 4min 08sec)
Vocabulary tasks

185 Leaving home. The challenges of learning to live away from home
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Vocabulary tasks

Everybody went to a launderette in the 1980s:

184 Lost in translation. Just how easy is it to translate from one language to another?
Download (3.1MB, 3min 45sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Both translators and interpreters can get it wrong:

183 Back of the net. Some fun football jargon before the season finishes
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Vocabulary tasks

So who "got himself completely at sizes and sevens"?

182 Left or right? Do you have a problem telling left from right?
Download (3.0MB, 3min 56sec)
Vocabulary tasks

181 Being kind. The simplest way to make you, and others, feel better
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Vocabulary tasks

It is an advert but it still makes a good point:

180 Do protests work? Do governments actually listen to protestors?
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Vocabulary tasks

Either women are to be killed or women are to have the vote:

179 Dinosaurs. Amazing creatures from a prehistoric world
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Vocabulary tasks

The film that got everyone excited about dinosaurs:

178 British icons: Robin Hood. Jackie and Richard talk about a popular British legend
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Vocabulary tasks

Forget Robin Hood, the Sheriff of Nottingham is a far more interesting character!

177 Take the train not the plane. But aren't train journeys long, slow and boring?
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Vocabulary tasks

Bonus for members! What did Jackie discover for the Porto - Paris trip?:
Download (1min 34 sec)

Surely this is nicer than flying?

176 What did you learn at school today? We think some more practical skills should be taught
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Vocabulary tasks

One way to teach the life skill of cleaning up!:

175 The Commonwealth. A very British institution, but what exactly is it?
Download (2.6MB, 3min 13sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Barbados becomes a republic:

174 Street life. What's happening in the street outside your house?
Download (2.5MB, 3min 19sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Are people doing this in your street?

173 Do look up! Jackie and Richard talk about the amazing James Webb space telescope
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Vocabulary tasks

James Webb begins a voyage back to the universe:

172 Life before the Internet: letter writing. How did we keep in touch before emailing and social media?
Download (3.1MB, 4min 06sec)
Vocabulary tasks

171 Orange tea. The names of a fruit and a drink have a fascinating history!
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Vocabulary tasks

The best of both worlds:

170 Cheap, expensive, more expensive. How much money do you need to be an Olympian?
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Vocabulary tasks

A 13 year old and one of the new, exciting sports at the Olympics:

169 What is Britishness? How do the people of England, Scotland and Wales identify themselves?
Download (3.0MB, 3min 57sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Do you agree with these people about Britishness?!

168 Hard cash. So is Richard a penny-pincher or a big spender?!
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Vocabulary tasks

Top tips on how to save money:

167 How did they survive? Two situations you wouldn't want to experience
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Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Sean survives being swept off a waterfall:

166 Animals, humans and diseases. Some interesting reasons why we fall sick
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Vocabulary tasks

Ways to prevent getting sick:

165 Before the Internet: buying records. There was a time when people left their homes and went to the shops to buy their music
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Vocabulary tasks

The Diskery is one of the oldest record shops in the world:

164 Before the Internet: travelling. Jackie and Richard recall how they organised their travels in the past
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Vocabulary tasks

163 The big five. Meet Europe's five most impressive wild mammals
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Vocabulary tasks

Brown bears and wolves back in the UK, but not in the wild!

162 The collectors. It's not just people who like to find and keep things
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Vocabulary tasks

A fine collection of blue bottle tops and straws!

161 Hobbies at home. Interesting things to do when you're indoors all day
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Vocabulary tasks

Some people enjoy making things like this:

160 Once upon a time. There are some very unpleasant people in fairy tales!
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Vocabulary tasks

Maleficent, the witch in Sleeping Beauty, is truly evil:

159 Facebook fun. Jackie and Richard recommend a couple of sites to raise a smile
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Vocabulary tasks

Bonus for members! What problems do the two groups have?
Download (2min 12secsec)

Wildlife in the garden:

158 The long arm of the law. Jackie and Richard talk about their experience with the police...
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Vocabulary tasks

So many police shows on British TV! The Bill was a big favourite:

157 The big top. Acrobats, trapeze artists and animals: we are at the circus!
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Vocabulary tasks

Bonus for members! Where is the lion tamer?
Download (57sec)

Today's modern circus:

156 Happy hols? Jackie and Richard had the perfect Christmas, or maybe not...
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Vocabulary tasks

Not everyone has a perfect Christmas:

155 TV or not TV? Is television still the most popular home entertainment?
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Vocabulary tasks

The ending of a popular 1960s children's programme:

154 What's cooking? Richard talks about the things he can make in the kitchen.
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Vocabulary tasks

Perhaps Richard should be on Masterchef!

153 Life in the UK. Jackie and Richard take the UK citizen test, but do they pass?!
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Vocabulary tasks

Of course ex Prime Minister David Cameron knows all about British history...

152 Then and now. Jackie returned to the UK after 10 years, what changes did she see?
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Vocabulary tasks

Fly over London and see the changes:

151 TT week. Join Richard on the Isle of Man for the ride of your life!
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Vocabulary tasks

Bonus for members! Richard talks about Mad Sunday:
Download (44sec)

Wow, hold on tight:

150 Big machines. See why our village has turned into a building site
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Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this pie video:

149 Green is the fashion. How can you be stylish and save the planet at the same time?
Download (3.5MB, 4min 27sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Bonus for members! More top tips:
Download (52sec)

How bamboo is made into material:

148 The 2018 quiz. Which stories made the headlines last year? And can Richard remember them?!
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Worksheet & Answers

Bonus for members! Listen to Richard's answers and check yours too:
Download (5min 21sec)

147 Filming the wild. We look at the amazing technology that makes wildlife programmes so great.
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Vocabulary tasks

So that's how to film a walrus sitting on ice:

146 Life v films. We look at some of the differences between our lives and those we watch at the cinema.
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Vocabulary tasks

Of course anyone could survive this:

145 The golden section. The wonder of a mathematical formula found in nature
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Vocabulary tasks

Bonus for members! The golden section in design:
Download (1MB, 1min 06sec)

144 The land of the red dragon. We talk about Wales, one of the smallest countries that makes up the UK.
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Vocabulary tasks

Geraint Thomas and the red dragon flag:

143 Milestones. Which are the events that Jackie and Richard see as special in their lives?
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Vocabulary tasks

142 A clash of continents. So will there be any surprises at the World Cup this time?
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Vocabulary tasks
Lesson plan extra for teachers!

World Cup 2018, every team's best player:

141 Being crafty. Jackie talks about two craft courses she went on recently
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Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this pie video:

140 The shooting. Another tragic event in the US, we talk about what happened and the case for gun control
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Vocabulary tasks

Bonus for members! How different is it to buy a gun in the UK?
Download (1.60MB, 2min 02sec)

139 Where's our package?! Jackie and Richard start the new year by complaining about couriers
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Vocabulary tasks

138 Mind games. Experiments show there's more to making up our minds than we think
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Vocabulary tasks

Bonus for members! Richard takes part in a mini experiment.
Download (1min 18sec)

137 Pick up the pieces. Jackie and Richard have discovered a new way to spend time: doing jigsaws!
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Vocabulary tasks

136 That's funny. Jackie and Richard talk about what makes them laugh, hee hee!
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Vocabulary tasks

British people think this is very funny:

135 Bugbears. Jackie and Richard have a moan about those everyday things that annoy them.
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Vocabulary tasks

134 Four-legged friends. 40% of households in the UK have pets. Listen to Jackie and Richard talking about their pets, past and present.
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Vocabulary tasks

133 May Day. Join Jackie and Richard as they talk about the May 1st celebrations.
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Vocabulary tasks

Morris dancers doing their stuff in Oxford:

132 The Taj Mahal. Travel to India and join Richard at a truly magical place.
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Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this video:

131 Hair today, gone tomorrow! Jackie and Richard talk about their hair and which products they use.
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Vocabulary tasks

130 Buster the boxer. A fun end to the year: watch the most popular Christmas advert in the UK.
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Worksheet & Answers

Don't watch the video before doing the worksheet!

129 The Trump card. Love him or loathe him, Trump's speeches have always made the headlines.
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Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this video from the Guardian newspaper

128 Knife, fork and spoon. Or perhaps something else? How do you eat your food?
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Vocabulary tasks

One way to eat a fish with bones:

127 Collecting things. Butterflies, beads or buttons, people collect many different things. So what does Richard collect?
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Vocabulary tasks

What do you think of this man's collection?

126 Not just a phone. Karin talks to Jackie about her favourite apps on her mobile.
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Vocabulary tasks

125 The Euros. Four weeks of fun and football to look forward to with the UEFA European Championship!
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Vocabulary tasks

The official anthem of the 2016 Euros:
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124 All around the world. Helen tells Richard about the different places she has lived, and which is her favourite.
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Vocabulary tasks

123 Call the midwife. Meet Naomi who is training to become the most important person on the maternity ward!
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Vocabulary tasks

Call the Midwife is on BBC1:

122 No idea! the 2015 quiz. How much does Jackie know about 2015 and can you do any better?
Download (1.3MB, 2min 45sec)
Now listen to both the questions and Jackie's answers:
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Vocabulary tasks

121 The calendar. Attractive as well as useful, calendars also have an interesting history!
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Transcript (pdf 55KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 106KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 82KB)

Chickens being photographed for an 'egg-citing' new calendar:

120 Cowboy country. Join Jackie and Richard with the cowboys, horses and shoot-outs
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Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 602KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 131KB)

This podcast goes with this video:

119 Fly the flag. New Zealand is thinking about changing their flag - so why is that?
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Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 361KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 91KB)

Some great tips for when you're designing a flag:

118 Once in a blue moon. This month we see a blue moon, but what is that exactly?!
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Transcript (pdf 54KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 64KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 100KB)

The worksheet for this song is on the 'extras' page:

117 Jaws. Why the "teeth of the sea" is still one of Hollywood's most frightening films
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Transcript (pdf 56KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 96KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 191KB)

There is a creature alive today...

116 The old grey matter. Get your thinking hats on for this podcast which is all about the brain!
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Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 93KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 79KB)

115 Baking soda. There's something quite amazing on the shelf in the kitchen!
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Transcript (pdf 52KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 64KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 64KB)

Some more great ideas we didn't know about:

114 The 5:2 diet. What success, if any, have the pie team had with their dieting?
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Transcript (pdf 52KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 233KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 70KB)

Some top tips if you're considering the 5:2 diet:

113 Whose turn is it? There are lots of reasons why you should sit down with family and friends and play a board game this holiday!
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Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 143KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 170KB)

112 Real Madrid. Join Richard with Real Madrid supporter Al before a Champions' League match
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Transcript (pdf 56KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 83KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 81KB)

Real Madrid v Liverpool in the Champions' League:

111 Useful or useless? That's the question we ask about some household gadgets
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Transcript (pdf 55KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 76KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 90KB)

110 Dennis the Menace. Jackie and Richard talk about comics and their favourite comic characters
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Transcript (pdf 55KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 76KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 90KB)

109 Drive, drove, driven. A podcast about driving and learning to drive. Beep! Beep!
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Transcript (pdf 51KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 78KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 117KB)

108 The Great War. Listen to some facts about the First World War which started a hundred years ago
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Transcript (pdf 69KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 116KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 205KB)

This podcast goes with this video:

107 The World Cup. Facts and fun about one of the most coveted trophies in sport
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Transcript (pdf 55KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 82KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 70KB)

The World Cup trophy was designed by Silvio Gazzaniga over 40 years ago:

106 Holy Week. For the Easter festival the pie team tell the story of Jesus' last days
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Transcript (pdf 51KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 138KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 61KB)

This podcast goes with this pie video:

105 The tramp. The pie team celebrate 100 years of Charlie Chaplin and his famous tramp
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Transcript (pdf 61KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 106KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 70KB)

Classic Charlie Chaplin:

104 A mouse in the house. Jo talks about some uninvited guests that are making themselves feel at home
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Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 70KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 70KB)

103 Giddy up! Jackie and Richard share their riding experiences to celebrate the Year of the Horse
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Transcript (pdf 51KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 161KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 73KB)

How to go faster on a horse:

102 British icons: The Doctor. The pie team celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who
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Transcript (pdf 55KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 107KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 121KB)

Bonus for members! Can you recognise these sounds from Doctor Who?
Download (40sec)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 71KB)

Trailer for The Day of The Doctor:

101 Mushrooms. Delicious and deadly, the pie team take care when picking their favourite free food
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Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 64KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 78KB)

How to choose the best Puffballs, and how to eat them mmmmm!

100 Catching up. Jackie hasn't see Sue for a while, what's the news from her and the family?
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More level 2 podcasts: Podcasts 1-99 Members only