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New for this week's podcast:
► Luck 0.21
NB the answers can be found with the original podcast
► Acts of kindness 2.181
► Adjectives: fantastic! 3.46
► Adjectives: feelings 1 2.35
► Adjectives: feelings 2 0.13
► Adjectives: happy 3.70
► Adjectives: honest 3.164
► Adjectives: nice 1.110
► Adjectives: old 2.90
► Adjectives: order 1.70
► Ages 2.46
► AI: photography 3.183
► Allergies 3.147
► Amounts: a loaf of bread 0.7
► Animal hybrids 1.93
► Animals: birds 1.33
► Animals: butterfly 0.17
► Animals: categories 1.91
► Animals: cats 2.26
► Animals: cats and dogs 2.134
► Animals: Chinese zodiac 1.11
► Animals: collecting 2.162
► Animals: dog breeds 2.38
► Animals: dogs 3.12
► Animals: Europe 2.163
► Animals: horses 2.103
► Animals: mice 2.104
► Animals: migration 3.184
► Animals: mythical 1.187
► Animals: pets 1.123
► Animals: poultry 1.68
► Animals: rats 1.37
► Animals: sea 1.45
► Animals: snakes 2.193
► Animals: sparrow 3.182
► Animals: swimming 1.108
► Animals: whales etc 2.99
► Animals: working dogs 2.91
► Animals: young 1 1.63
► Animals: young 2 1.149
► Annoyances 2.135
► Antiques 1.184
► Archaeological sites 3.168
► Art: movements 1.103
► Astronomy 1.191
► Bad habits 1.109
► Beekeeping 2.73
► Bee quiz 3.74
► Binomials 2.182
► Birthdays 1.53
► Blood donation 3.160
► Boardgames 1.80
► Boardgames 2 2.113
► Boats 1.82
► Body: parts 1 2.77
► Body parts 2 0.16
► Books 2.16
► Books: British authors 2.48
► Books: children 1.165
► Books: a fairy tale 2.160
► Books: romantic fiction 3.43
► Books: world authors 1.61
► Brands & logos 3.68
► Buildings: leaning 3.175
► Buildings: The Taj Mahal 2.132
► Chocolate: fillings 1.79
► Cinema: a conversation 3.13
► Cinema: Bond Villains 3.122
► Cinema: Charlie Chaplin 2.105
► Cinema: children 1.171
► Cinema: films 2.30
► Cinema: films v life 2.146
► Cinema: James Bond 3.10
► Cinema: robberies 3.117
► Cinema: Spielberg 2.117
► Cinema: Westerns 2.120
► Circus 2.157
► Cities: Madrid 2.190
► Cities: Paris 2.66
► Fight climate change 1.128
► Clothes 1 2.14
► Clothes 2 1.168
► Clothes: football kits 0.8
► Clothes: footwear 1.143
► Clothes: hats 1.161
► Clothes: shopping 1.13
► Clothes: summertime 1.65
► Clothes: wintertime 1.92
► Clothes through the ages 3.153
► Colour: purple 3.55
► Colour: yellow 1.58
► Colours 1.40
► Commuting 1.178
► Comics 1 2.110
► Comics 2 1.181
► Competition time 1 1.67
► Competition time 2 1.127
► Computers 2.57
► Computers Apple 3.79
► Copyright 2.192
► Critical thinking 2.89
► Culture: The crown 1.182
► Culture: funerals 3.121
► Culture: paintings 3.21
► Culture: the pub 3.6 / 3.22
► Culture: Roman 1.162
► Culture: Shakespeare 3.32
► Culture shock 3.131
► Culture: UK v EU 2.83
► Customs: British 1 1.106
► Customs: local 2.191
► Customs: May Day 2.133
► Cutlery 2.128
► Daily routine 1.24
► Dance crazes 1.163
► Dance styles 2.76
► Days of the week1.56
► Daytime things 1.54
► Directions 1 1.132
► DIY tools3.66
► Dream (song) 1.136
► Drink: wine 3.36
► Drink: coffee 1 B.24
► Drink: coffee 2 3.92
► Drink: tea 1.96
► Drones 3.149
► Elections 3.26
► Emergency: fire 3.80
► Emigration 3.45
► Energy: resources 2.55
► Environment 3.33
► Env'ment: climate change 1 3.144
► Env'ment: climate change 2 1.150
► Environment: electricity 1.47
► Environment: plastic 1 3.137
► Environment: plastic 2 3.148
► Environment: water 3.34
► Etymology 3.170
► Euro 2020 3.169
► Euros: song 2.125
► Everyday things 1.146
► Exercise equipment 3.159
► Expeditions 2.81
► Experience 2.167
► Facebook art 2.159
► Fairtrade 2.58
► Families 0.4
► Family 1 1.1
► Family 2 2.33
► Family 3 2.69
► Family: Royal 1.167
► Family: sisters 1.142
► Family tree 3.146
► Famous fires 1.126
► Fashion: material 2.149
► Favourite things (song) 1.154
► Festivals: Carnival 3.94
► Festivals: Chinese New Year 1.122
► Festivals: Christmas 3.9
► Festivals: Christmas markets 0.14
► Festivals: Christmas time 0.20
► Festivals: Christmas tree 2.92
► Festivals: Day of the Dead 1.137
► Festivals: Eid & Diwali 3.37
► Festivals: Hallowe'en 3.8
► Festivals: harvest 1.111
► Festivals: summer 3.76
► Festivals: winter 2.156
► Firearms 2.140
► Fireworks 1.100
► First aid kit 1.169
► Flags 1 2.119
► Flags 2 0.11
► Flags: Union Jack 2.169
► Food and drink 1.179
► Food for free 3.151
► Food: baking 2.79
► Food: breakfast 1.124
► Food: British 1.175
► Food: cakes 1.28
► Food: calories 2.114
► Food: Chinese 1.114
► Food: chocolate 3.126
► Food: Christmas 1.101
► Food: cooking techniques 2.154
► Food: eating out 1 2.19
► Food: eating out 2 2.41
► Food: fish 2.61
► Food: fruit and veg 1.5
► Food: healthy eating 2.15
► Food: ice cream 1.86
► Food: Italy 3.130
► Food: meat B.26
► Food: nutrition 3.114
► Food: nuts 1.107
► Food: taste 3.96
► Food: toast 0.2
► Food: unhealthy eating 2.21
► Food: vegetables1.60
► Food: winter 3.180
► Food: world cheese 2.96
► Fruit 0.3
► Fuel: oil 3.63
► Funfair 1.185
► Gadgets: kitchen 2.111
► Gambling 2.85
► Gemstones 1.159
► Geography: deserts 3.35
► Geography: coordinates 2.51
► Geography: Europe 3.120
► Geography: gorges 1.38
► Geography: India 3.127
► Geography: mountains 1 2.5
► Geography: mountains 2 2.97
► Geography: rivers 1.177
► Geography: volcanoes 1 2.63
► Geography: volcanoes 2 3.171
► Geology: sinkholes 3.105
► Geometric shapes 2.50
► Gifts 3.173
► Gifts: Handmade 1.193
► Giving 2.18
► Going out 0.18
► Gold 2.17
► Grammar: prepositions 1.29
► Grammar: types of words 2.8
► Grammar: verbs 2.8
► Guitars 3.17
► Hair 1 3.39
► Hair 2 2.131
► Having a baby 2.123
► Health: eyewear 3.133
► Health: sickness 2.94
► Health: yoga 1.117
► Hiking 0.19
► Historical objects3.59
► History: New Year's Day 2.121
► History: US presidents 1.41
► History: World War 1 2.108
► History: UK 2.153
► Hobbies at home 2.161
► Hobbies: collecting 2.127
► Hobbies: photography 2.68
► Holidays 11.9
► Holidays 2 1.160
► Holidays 3 0.5
► Holidays: The USA 1.112
► Homes 2.13
► Homes around the world 1.139
► Homes: famous addresses 1.77
► Homes: for sale 3.155
► Homes: rooms 0.6
► Homes: the bedroom 1.49
► Homes: the kitchen 1.27
► Homes: the living room 1.32
► Hospital 3.40
► Hotels 1.34
► Hotel: choosing 1.95
► Hotel reservation 1.94
► Household chores 1 1.71
► Household chores 2 0.15
► Household products 2.115
► House: rooms 1.55
► Idioms: body 3.185
► Idioms: brain 2.116
► Idioms: love 2.43
► Idioms: mind 2.138
► Idioms: numbers 2.53
► Idioms: parts of the body 1.87
► Idioms: sleep 2.40
► Idioms: time B.36
► Idioms: weather 2.70
► Idioms: wind 3.113
► In the year 2525 (song) 1.156
► Insects 1.151
► Insurance 3.107
► Internet 3.57
► Internet access 3.187
► Internet: Wikipedia 2.187
► Jobs: colour blind 3.190
► Jobs: dancer 3.125
► Jobs: dentist 3.54
► Jobs: diplomat 3.38
► Jobs: doctor 1.39
► Jobs: firefighter 3.135
► Jobs: flight attendant 1.26
► Jobs: in a company 1.12
► Jobs: pilot 3.128
► Jobs: places of work 1.12
► Jobs: police officer 1.52
► Jobs: summer 1.144
► Jokes 2.136
► Junk drawer 1.172
► Language: US English 2.36
► Languages3.58
► Language: word groups 1.78
► Language: translating 2.184
► Law: Crown Court 3.95
► Learning: Activities 1.183
► Leaving home 2.185
► Letter writing 2.172
► Lie detector 3.167
► Life events 2.143
► Life skills 2.176
► Lightbulbs 3.134
► Lights 1.85
► Lockdown 3.165
► Lost property 1.83
► Making things 1.81
► Machinery 2.150
► Maths in real life 1.140
► Media: headlines 1 3.123
► Media: radio 3.29
► Media: television 2.42
► Minor accidents 1.134
► Mobile phone apps 2.126
► Mobile phones 1.21
► Moustaches 3.81
► Miners rescue 3.69
► Money 2.84
► Money: idioms 2.168
► Moneyless 3.64
► Months & flowers 1.106
► Months & seasons 1.57
► Music: before the internet 2.165
► Music: British bands 3.52
► Music: wind instruments 1.64
► Names 3.72
► Names: George 1.98
► National anthems 3.132
► Nationalities 2.171
► Nature: countryside 1.66
► Nature: flowers 1.115
► Nature: fractals 3.161
► Nature: mushrooms 2.101
► Nature: British trees 1.133
► Nature: trees1.62
► New normal: WW1 3.186
► Nobel prizes 3.111
► Numbers: Fibonacci 2.145
► Numbers: idioms 1 2.53
► Numbers: idioms 2 2.93
► Numbers: jokes 2.34
► Numbers: verbs 1.10
► Numbers: zero 1.10
► Olives 3.56
► Online shopping 1 B.25
► Online shopping 2 2.186
► Outer space 3.89
► Pantomime 3.82
► Passwords 3.166
► People: babies 3.97
► People: British artists 3.51
► People: Dr. Jenner 2.166
► People: famous names 3.71
► People: famous women 3.84
► People: Father Christmas 1.43
► People: French 2.29
► People: friends 1.42
► People: Geraint Thomas 2.144
► People: heroes 3.178
► People: King Arthur 2.178
► People: Mary Anning 2.179
► People: nationalities 3.100
► People: the Queen 3.179
► People: relationships3.60
► People: rockstars 3.52
► People: Rosa Parks 2.180
► People: St. Christopher 1.174
► People: sisters 1.142
► People: Spanish 3.62
► People: Stephen Hawking 3.141
► People: Tim Berners-Lee 3.106
► People: titles 1.73
► People: US Presidents 2.129
► People: wanted! B.8
► Phobias 2.26
► Picnicking 3.109
► Pirates 2.7
► Places: Anfield 1.141
► Places: Australia 1.15
► Places: the bank 1.48
► Places: Brazil 1.89
► Places: British Isles 2.72
► Places: Canada 1.51
► Places: cities 1.120
► Places: city canals 3.163
► Places: the classroom 1.99
► Places: dining room 1.158
► Places: to eat 3.49
► Places: English Heritage 3.143
► Places: the garden 0.1
► Places: Greece B.10
► Places: in a study 1.75
► Places: in a town 1.76
► Places: Iceland 1.125
► Places: India 3.75
► Places: Ireland 3.47
► Places: Isle of Man 1.2 / 2.24
► Places: Italy 3.50
► Places: Japan 3.15
► Places: Jersey 2.12
► Places: Jordan 1.22
► Places: London buildings 2.152
► Places: London tourism 2.188
► Places: Malta & Mallorca 1.35
► Places: Mallorca 2.54
► Places: Netherlands 3.78
► Places: New names 3.175
► Places: Our House (song) 1.36
► Places: Portugal 1.118
► Places: school 1.84
► Places: seaside 1.88
► Places: South America 1.72
► Places: Spain 2.20
► Places: to stay 2.47
► Places: St. Paul's 2.189
► Places: the street 1.46
► Places: Syria 2.28
► Places: Thailand 1.20
► Places: The Tower 3.162
► Places: Vietnam 1.129
► Places: Wales B.11
► Places: Wales 0.9
► Places: Yorkshire 3.124
► Podcasting 3.20
► Poetry 3.101
► Poetry: Christmas 1.102
► Poetry: Adlestrop 2.177
► Police 2.158
► Politics 2.62
► Post 1 2.31
► Post 2 1.31
► Pranks 3.150
► Privacy: online security 3.152
► Punctuation: apostrophe 3.156
► Puzzles 2.137
► Quizzes 2.10
► Quotes: memory 1.116
► Red Nose Day 3.73
► Religion: Buddhism 3.19
► Religion: Easter 2.106
► Religion: Ramadan 3.23
► Religion: St Francis 2.95
► Remembering 2.45
► Resolutions 3.27
► Rivers: Tagus 1.188
► Routine: morning 1.145
► Rubbish 1.97
► Rules 1.176
► Senses 1.69
► Senses: eyes and ears 1.170
► Senses: sight 3.87
► Senses: smell 1.166
► Senses: sound 3.189
► Shopping: markets 1 1.30
► Shopping: markets 2 1.147
► Shopping: types of shopping 2.25
► Shopping: types of shops 2.25
► Shopping list 1.153
► Singing 1.131
► Small states 2.175
► Smoking 1.16
► Smoking: e-cigarettes 3.142
► Song: Away in a manger 1.186
► Songs 2.11
► Songs: The Beatles 2.87
► Song: Streets 2.174
► Space: Blue Moon (song) 2.118
► Space: Hubble 2.173
► Space: Outer space 3.89
► Space: the Moon 3.90
► Space: the Solar System 2.49
► Spiders 3.172
► Spin and dye 2.141
► Sport: the Ashes 3.118
► Sport: breakdancing 1.190
► Sport: coming fourth 3.191
► Sport: e motorcycles 2.151
► Sport: extreme sport 1 2.86
► Sport: extreme sport 2 1.90
► Sport: football 1.3
► Sport: The football pitch 2.142
► Sport: football jargon 2.183
► Sport: football strips 2.64
► Sport: Formula 1 2.98
► Sport: motor racing 1.25
► Sport: Olympics 1 2.22
► Sport: Olympics 2 2.37
► Sport: Olympics 3 3.88
► Sport: Olympic mascots 3.174
► Sport: Paralympics 2.88
► Sport: Real Madrid 2.112
► Sport: rugby 2.59
► Sport: running 3.129
► Sport: scuba diving 3.24
► Sport: skiing 3.140
► Sport: tennis players3.65
► Sport: Three athletes 2.170
► Sport: Tour de France 3.98
► Sport: triathlon 3.77
► Sport: trophies 2.107
► Sport: unusual 2.75
► Sport: vertigo 3.104
► Sport: winter Olympics 1 2.60
► Sport: winter Olympics 2 3.103
► Springtime 1.74
► Stress 2.56
► Surnames 1 1.189
► Surnames 2 1.192
► Tattoos 3.3
► Technology: Hawk-Eye 3.108
► Tents 2.78
► Thieves 3.99
► Things going wrong 1.157
► Telling the time 0.10
► Time: clocks 1.50
► Time: Daylight Saving3.61
► Toilets 3.138
► Toys 1 2.65
► Toys 2 1.121
► Transport 0.12
► Transport: bicycles B.23
► Transport: the bicycle 3.91
► Transport: cars 1 2.109
► Transport: cars 2 3.110
► Transport: cars 3 B.52
► Transport: cars 4 3.157
► Transport: cars 5 3.158
► Transport: buses 1.23
► Transport: couriers 2.139
► Transport: hot-air ballons 3.41
► Transport: drones 1.119
► Transport: motorbikes 3.28
► Transport: planes 3.25
► Transport: road signs 1.135
► Transport: trains 2.1/2.2/2.3
► Transport: underground 3.93
► Travel: OTAs 2.164
► Travelling 2.32
► TV genres 2.155
► TV: Doctor Who 2.102
► TV: programmes 3.115
► TV: streaming 3.188
► United Nations 1.17
► Universities 3.14
► University 3.31
► University: pre-departure 3.30
► University UK 2.67
► Verbs: catch 2.100
► Verbs: choose B.49
► Verbs: comment 3.116
► Verbs: cry 3.67
► Verbs: run 3.85
► Vitamins 3.177
► Volunteering 1 3.192
► Volunteering 2 3.193
► Voting 3.119
► Walking in Portugal 3.154
► War poem 2.80
► Waterloo (song) 3.86
► Weather 1.6
► Weather: snow1.59
► Weather: sun and rain 1.19
► Weather: wind 2.39
► Weather: world 2.124
► Websites 1 2.27
► Websites 2 1.44
► Weddings 2.74
► Weddings around the world 1.152
► Wildlife cameras 2.147
► Wonders: natural world 1.148
► Wonders of the world 3.18
► Woodworking tools 3.83
► Writing: capital letters 2.44
► Writing: diaries 1.104
► Writing: left hand 3.136
► Writing: letters 3.42
► Yarn 3.112
► Years: 1913 3.102
► Years: 2008 3.44
► Years: 2010 2.71
► Years: 2011 2.82
► Years: 2014 1.113
► Years: 2015 2.122
► Years: 2016 1.130
► Years: 2017 3.139
► Years: 2018 in colour 2.148
► Years: 2022 3.181
► Young people 3.16
► YouTube: learning 3.145