Listening and learning activities for Elementary English learners and teachers

level 1 podcasts for beginners and elementary learners of English

Level 1

There are more vocabulary activities related to these podcasts on the 'extras' page. Podcasts 1-99 members only.

191 The night sky. What does Richard see through his telescope? (26 Sep 2024)
Download (2,3MB, 2min 58sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Well this would be nice to see in the night sky:

190 Les Jeux Olympiques. Some surprising changes to the Games in Paris (25 Jul 2024)
Download (3.0MB, 4 min 00 sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Is this a sport, or not?:

189 The builders. Who are the workers who built our house? (30 May 2024)
Download (2.4MB, 3 min 09 sec)
Vocabulary tasks

This seems a lot simpler and quicker!

188 British icons: The Thames. Fun facts about London's famous river (4 Apr 2024)
Download (3.1MB, 4 min 02 sec)
Vocabulary tasks

How many bridges can you count?

187 What is a dragon? Jackie and Richard talk about mythical creatures (8 Feb 2023)
Download (2.9MB, 3min 47sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Kids welcoming the Year of the Dragon:

186 The nativity scene. Who is there along with Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus? (7 Dec 2023)
Download (2.8MB, 3min 39sec)
Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this pie video:

185 The funfair. Jackie and Richard talk about all the fun at the fair
Download (1.9MB, 2min 17sec)
Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this pie video:

184 Cash in the attic. Why do the British love their antiques?
Download (2.5MB, 3min 15sec)
Vocabulary tasks

This guy paid $4.99 for a vase which he can now sell for...?!

183 Adult learning. Is it true you can't teach an old dog new tricks?!
Download (2.7MB, 3min 32sec)
Vocabulary tasks

182 The coronation. We compare the coronations of Elizabeth and Charles
Download (2.9MB, 3min 52sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Highlights of the 1953 coronation (no sound):

181 The Beano. Jackie and Richard remember reading comics
Download (2.7MB, 3min 29sec)
Vocabulary tasks

A Beano from 60 years ago. Is it still fun for a 10 year old today?

180 Joy for all. It's time for the Christmas advert again!

Don't watch the video before doing the worksheet!

179 Beer'n'pizza. Is this the best food and drink combination?!
Download (2.1MB, 2min 47sec)
Vocabulary tasks

This is what a real pizza looks like:

178 Commuting. Journeys to work: dull, fun or dangerous perhaps?!
Download (2.3MB, 2min 57sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Goodness! Look at these cities at 8am:

177 The river. Join Jackie and Richard on a lovely river walk
Download (1.8MB, 2min 22sec)
Vocabulary tasks

176 Spanish seaside rules. Going to a Spanish beach? There are lots of things you can't do!
Download (3.0MB, 3min 52sec)
Vocabulary tasks

New beach rules in Spain could land tourists with £2,500 fines:

175 British icons: two great British meals. A breakfast and lunch: both famous and delicious!
Download (2.6MB, 3min 18sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Another British classic: bubble and squeak!:

174 The patron saints. We talk about David, Patrick, George and Andrew.
Download (2.4MB, 3min 20sec)
Vocabulary tasks

The rise and fall of St Joan of Arc:

173 From me to you. It's time for the Christmas advert again!
Worksheet & Answers

Don't watch the video before doing the worksheet!

172 Clutter! Why are we throwing all our stuff away?!
Download (2.8MB, 3min 36sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Marie Kondo shows you how to fold your clothes in a tidy way:

171 At the pictures. Jackie and Richard remember the first films they saw at the cinema
Download (2.6MB, 3min 27sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released in 1937:

170 I'm all ears. Don't say Richard has another health problem..?!
Download (2.6MB, 3min 20sec)
Vocabulary tasks

169 Accident prone. Richard needs the first aid box again...
Download (2.1MB, 2min 44sec)
Vocabulary tasks

Mr. Bean needs some first aid training:

168 You are what you wear. Is it strange where we get our clothes from?
Download (2.5MB, 3min 08sec)
Vocabulary tasks

167 Farewell, Philip. Who was the world's most famous husband?
Download (3.1MB, 4min 01sec)
Vocabulary tasks

What a lot of people outside Buckingham Palace!

166 What a whiff! Losing your sense of smell: does it matter?!
Download (2.9MB, 3min 45sec)
Vocabulary tasks

How a dog's nose can find something in the water:

165 Children's stories. Jackie and Richard talk about their favourite books when they were young
Download (2.9MB, 3min 42sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

164 The letter. Watch our chosen Christmas advert for 2020. Another tearjerker!
Worksheet & Answers

Don't watch the video before doing the worksheet!

163 Would you like to dance? How keen are we to put our dancing shoes on?!
Download (2.6MB, 3min 20sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

I'm sure we could do this, if we practised enough:

162 The trip. Jackie and Richard go on a short road trip
Download (2.9MB, 3min 44sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this pie video:

161 Hats off! Jackie and Richard talk about what people wear on their heads
Download (2.9MB, 3min 44sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

For the next time you're on a camel in the desert:

160 The summer hols. Jackie and Richard look back on their family holidays
Download (2.3MB, 3min 05sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

159 Bands of gold. Jackie and Richard talk about the jewellery they wear
Download (3.0MB, 3min 56sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Jewellery for men, yes or no?

158 Take a seat. Where do we eat our main meal of the day? What about you?
Download (2.6MB, 3min 18sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

157 Belly up. Not the best of weeks for Jackie and Richard; what went wrong?
Download (2.5MB, 3min 12sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

For some animals being belly up is not a problem at all!

156 2020: the future? What does the year 2020 look like? Richard has a guess
Download (3.5MB, 4min 37sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

The extra worksheet goes with this (strange) song:

155 You are perfect. This year's Christmas advert; try not to cry!
Download (3.4MB, 2min 54sec)
Worksheet & Answers

Don't watch the video before doing the worksheet!

154 Our favourite things. Jackie and Richard talk about the things which are special to them
Download (2.8MB, 3min 44sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

The extra worksheet goes with this song:

153 Going to the shops. Jackie and Richard talk about where they do their regular shopping
Download (2.9MB, 3min 46sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Birmingham fruit & veg market (interesting to see so many things sold in plastic bowls):

152 The wedding. Jackie and Richard talk about a family wedding they went to recently
Download (2.4MB, 3min 05sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

151 Creepy-crawlies. It's not just the sun we see more of in the summer...
Download (3.5MB, 4min 00sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Bonus for members! Some ways to help the insects:
Download (1min 31sec)

How to make a bee hotel:

150 Who is Greta? Just who is the young woman making the headlines?
Download (3.4MB, 4min 21sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Greta speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos:

149 New arrivals. We welcome the baby animals appearing in the countryside this spring.
Download (3.0MB, 3min 56sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Adorable arctic fox cubs:

148 Local beauty spots. There are some lovely places near and far to visit; where do you like to go?
Download (3.1MB, 4min 01sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this pie video:

147 The market stall. Jackie has a go at having a market stall, how does she get on?
Download (2.8MB, 3min 39sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this pie video:

146 Come and gone. There are some things which were new in our lives, but are no longer here.
Download (3MB, 3min 50sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

145 Good morning! Jackie and Richard talk about their morning routine.
Download (2.2MB, 2min 55sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

144 Summer jobs. Jackie and Richard talk about the summer jobs they did when they were students.
Download (3.2MB, 4min 03sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Like swimming? Perhaps this is the summer job for you:

143 Sun and sandals. What are Jackie and Richard wearing on their feet right now?
Download (2.6MB, 3min 12sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

How to bar lace your trainers:

142 Our sisters. Jackie and Richard both have one sister, listen and find out if they are different to them, or similar
Download (2.6MB, 3min 15sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

141 Liverpool the city. There's more to Liverpool than its football clubs, or is there?
Download (3.0MB, 3min 46sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

This is Liverpool:

140 It doesn't add up! Which school subject sent Jackie running away from the school gates?
Download (3.1MB, 3min 58sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Children talking about their favourite subjects at school:

139 Home sweet home. Jackie and Richard talk about their home and if they are happy living there
Download (2.6MB, 3min 10sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Look at this tiny house a family are living in:

138 Paddington and the Christmas visitor. Another fun end to the year: watch one of the most popular Christmas adverts in the UK
Download (1.5MB, 1min 36sec)
Worksheet & Answers

Don't watch the video before doing the worksheet!

137 Spooky nights. Watch our video and find out what we traditionally do in Britain for Hallowe'en
Download (2.3MB, 2min 47sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this pie video:

136 Dream on. Richard talks to Jackie about the dreams he has at night
Download (2.3MB, 3min 01sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

The worksheet for this song is on the extras page:

135 Keep left. In the car, on your bike or while walking, road signs are everywhere
Download (2.8MB, 3min 42sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

134 Whoops! We all have minor accidents. Listen to Richard talk about something that happened to him
Download (1.62MB, 3min 31sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

133 The mighty oak. Jackie and Richard talk about the best known and most loved of Britain's native trees
Download (1.48MB, 3min 14sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

The English oak, what's not to like?:

132 The road to nowhere. What's the best way of driving from A to B without getting lost?
Download (1.2MB, 2min 35sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

131 Sing, sang, sung. So just how keen are Jackie and Richard on singing? Listen and find out!
Download (1.37MB, 2min 59sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

The extra worksheet goes with this song:
Download (2.3MB, 2min 24sec)

The original Coca-cola advert:

130 All the threes. The 2016 quiz. Can you remember what happened last year better than Richard?
Download (1.16MB, 2min 32sec)

Now listen to both the questions and Richard's answers:
Download (2.29MB, 5min 00sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

129 Stop me and buy one! Jackie and Richard are amazed by the different things that are carried on Vietnamese bicycles
Download (1.37MB, 2min 59sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this pie video:

128 Feed the world. Here's some things for you to do for World Food Day
Download (1.63MB, 3min 34sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

World Food Day 2016:

127 Win a prize! Find out why Di enters so many competitions each year
Download (1.6MB, 3min 34sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

126 London's burning. The Great Fire of London was 350 years ago. Watch our video and find out more
Download (1.6MB, 3min 18sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this pie video:

125 Iceland: the land of fire and ice. Listen to some amazing things about Iceland, including their football team of course!
Download (1.8MB, 3min 41sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Watch some of the many things you can see and do in Iceland:

124 Breakfast. We talk about what we eat for the most important meal of the day. What do you have?
Download (1.5MB, 3min 04sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

123 Chalk and cheese. Our two dogs, Jussi and Betty, are very different. Watch our video and find out how
Download (1.5MB, 3min 05sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

This podcast goes with this pie video:

122 Chinese New Year. Decorations, dragons and dancers - welcome to Chinatown!
Download (1.62MB, 3min 33sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

Jackie and Richard enjoyed Chinese New Year in Bangkok:

121 Toys, toys, toys. Which are the most popular UK toys over the last 50 years?
Download (1.62MB, 3min 33sec)
Worksheet & Answers
Vocabulary tasks

120 City life. For UN World Cities day Jackie and Richard talk about cities far and wide
Download (1.65MB, 3min 36sec)
Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 94KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 78KB)

119 The delivery van. So many things can be delivered straight to your house, you don't need to go shopping!
Download (1.45MB, 3min 10sec)
Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 147KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 70KB)

How about this instead of a delivery van:

118 Portugal: all year round. We talk about the interesting places to visit in Portugal every season of the year
Download (1.48MB, 3min 14sec)
Transcript (pdf 57KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 176KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 74KB)

Come and visit Portugal:

117 Why yoga? World Yoga Day is 21 June so we talk to Jim about why he does yoga everyday
Download (1.57MB, 3min 25sec)
Transcript (pdf 52KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 151KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 84KB)

Yoga isn't so successful when you have pets:

116 Thanks for the memory. How good are Richard and Jackie about remembering things? How good are you?!
Download (1.5MB, 3min 06sec)
Transcript (pdf 52KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 125KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 83KB)

115 Wild orchids. Jackie and Richard show you the wonderful wild flowers growing near their home
Download (1.68MB, 3min 39sec)
Transcript (pdf 50KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 215KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 176KB)

This podcast goes with this pie video:

114 Hot wok! part 1. Two videos from Ken Hom to celebrate Chinese New Year this month
Download (969KB, 2min 03sec)
Transcript (pdf 48KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 106KB)

This podcast goes with this video:

114 Hot wok! part 2. How to use chopsticks.
Download (599KB, 1min 16sec)
Transcript (pdf 42KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 91KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 169KB)

This podcast goes with this video:

113 The 2014 quiz. Once again Jackie tests Richard on events from last year, can you do better than him?
Download (1.10MB, 2min 23sec)
Transcript (pdf 49KB)
Now listen to both the questions and Richard's answers:
Download (2.03MB, 4min 27sec)
Transcript (pdf 55KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 94KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 69KB)

112 Thanksgiving... and Black Friday: Richard talks about his time in the United States
Download (1.29MB, 2min 49sec)
Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 90KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 78KB)

111 The fall. Winter, spring, summer and now autumn; it's the cold but colourful season
Download (1.3MB, 2min 44sec)
Transcript (pdf 49KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 193KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 82KB)

The best thing about autumn in the UK is playing a game of conkers:

110 Nice holiday? Jackie and Richard talk about their last holiday, and now you can talk about yours!
Download (1.5MB, 3min 05sec)
Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 120KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 92KB)

109 Bad habits. What bad habits do Richard and Jackie have? Listen and find out!
Download (1.37MB, 2min 59sec)
Transcript (pdf 47KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 77KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 66KB)

108 Can you swim? Jump in the water and listen to Jackie and Richard talk about learning to swim
Download (1.47MB, 3min 13sec)
Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 106KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 115KB)

These animals can swim, can you?

107 Brazil: not just a country. One country, two trees and lots of interesting facts!
Download (1.64MB, 3min 35sec)
Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 115KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 98KB)

The Agouti and the Brazil Nut:

106 The Merry Month of May. Lots of information about the year's prettiest month - it's not just about flowers!
Download (1.74MB, 3min 47sec)
Transcript (pdf 57KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 90KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 86KB)

105 The Easter egg. There's more to Easter eggs than just eating them, listen and find out!
Download (1.32MB, 2min 52sec)
Transcript (pdf 49KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 131KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 74KB)

How to make a strange, glowing Easter egg:

104 Dear diary. There are some good reasons for writing a diary about your everyday life
Download (1.69MB, 3min 42sec)
Transcript (pdf 52KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 83KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 122KB)

103 Paintings not photos. Join the pie team in putting something more artistic on Facebook
Download (1.8MB, 3min 40sec)
Transcript (pdf 53KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 208KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 106KB)

Watch the great Henri Matisse at work:

102 A poem for Christmas. The pie team want you to celebrate the festive season with poetry
Download (670KB, 1min 25sec)
Transcript (pdf 45KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 152KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 147KB)

101 Figgy pudding. Hear about some Christmas meals eaten in different parts of the world, mmm!
Download (1.3MB, 2min 49sec)
Transcript (pdf 57KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 74KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 168KB)

Oh, bring us some figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer:

100 Bonfire Night. Richard explains the reason behind this traditional November event
Download (1.1MB, 2min 17sec)
Transcript (pdf 46KB)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 61KB)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 228KB)

This podcast goes with this pie video:

More level 1 podcasts: Podcasts 1-99 Members only